Further Market offers an interesting way for anyone wishing to access the USSD portal to provide essential information for the public. In the followings, we will show how to achieve this target.
The administrator of a business account in further market can publish data in USSD portal trough data table upload
As said above, the developer must have:
- Further MarketBusiness Account
As example, we will take the case of an administrator of an Institute who wants the marks of students be published in the USSD portal.
First of all, the administrator should populate the fields of the template. He will make sure that the fields of the template is similar to the one given as example in the picture below. The steps of the creation of the csv file to be uploaded is also given.
a- Data table creation in Microsoft Excel.
Code(mandatory) is the key used to query the data in the row. This could be the registration number in our application sample. It is preferable and recommended to use numbers and just few letter to facilitate typing on handset (cell phone)
Title is a text and it is used here to specify further information
Name is the name of the student in this case
Category is a text and it is used here to specify further information
Product Name is a text and it is used here to specify further information
Product Cost is a number and it is used here to specify further information
Sale Date is a text and it is used here to specify further information
Expiry Date is holding data of type date
Date of Birth is holding data of type date
Country is the country name
City is the city name
Phone Number is the phone number of the student in this case
Country Phone Code is the phone code of the country
Emailis the email of the student
Information is the field holding the marks to be shown later on the handset of the end user
Company Name is used here to hold the name of the institute
b- The created table is then saved as CSV file and kept somewhere in the computer.
Once the csv file is there, we launch the process of creating the inquiry structure. The steps are listed below.
To access the billing form and set a Billing Scheme for your Inquiry, you just have to follow the instructions as shown below.
To access data on your handset, you just have to follow the instructions as shown below.